
Need to hear from someone who’s been there, done that? Our community shared their own stories, difficulties and tips and tricks to get through potty training.

It’s okay to stop and try again later.

Oh man! Keep on, keeping on!! They won’t go to high school still in diapers… promise!!

You can do it! My son is 33 and no longer wears diapers! 👌

Keep trying & stay consistent! It’ll all work out eventually! 😉

Do what you need to. You got this!

In it too! It’s a real roller coaster ride!

Regressions happen! Stay positive and keep going, they will get it! 💕

One poop at a time! You got this 💩🫶

It gets better! And then worse again… But better after that!! I promise!

They won’t be in diapers forever - stick it out and they’ll figure it out!

Don’t expect it to be over in a few days - our kiddo took months, but he got there!

Once you start, don't give up. You'll start to see the light.

Btw, sometimes potty training takes more than 3 days! It takes lots of patience, time, accidents & rewards!


They will not go to college in diapers, I promise!

Eventually it ends.

I’m knee-deep in it right now! 🥴 We started on Friday & still at it! He finally went 💩 in the “baby” toilet!

Accidents happen! They are gross and suck but eventually they stop

Don’t. Rush. It.

My 3 year old asked me if I remembered when she 💩 on the floor. Don’t forget to laugh!

Don’t rush. Don’t compare your kiddos timeline to others’.